Dr. Jacqueline Casale Taylor Basker

Mavi Marmara Ship

The Mavi Marmara was part of an effort to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, despite the blockade.  It was one of six ships, with people aboard from all ages, diverse ethnic groups and backgrounds volunteered.  Many Jews were aboard, including Holocaust survivors.   On May 31, 2010, as the Mavi Marmara continued its voyage in international waters, it was attacked and boarded by 13 armed Israeli soldiers, both from the air and from the sea.  Nine Turkish volunteers were killed by gunfire, shot a total of 30 times, five with close-up gunshot wounds to the head. Their portraits and stories are the reason for this project.

The portrait paintings are each 20cm x 20 cm, acrylic and collage on canvas.  However larger paintings are planned to complete the series.